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Wake Up Sheeple! Alex Jones Prison Planet Is Here to Break Your Social Conditioning

Alex Jones is know best as the InfoWars truther whose God given task is to free America from the tyranny of liberals. You've heard his rants about, "making the frogs gay." You have probably watched the red faced talking head tell us the hardcore, real truth; however, have you heard his most recent project? The Alex Jone Prison Planet is the most real music you will ever listen to. Fronted by the master of truth himself, The Alex Jones Prison Planet (TAJPP) breaks your social conditioning through some of the heaviest music you've ever heard.

Since the inception of TAJPP, Alex Jones has released two EPs. Cursed To Hell was released in March of this year, and Crush The Parasites was released in July. Both are punishing to listen to, and they pull no punches when it comes to what Obama and Hillary actually are or poisonous fluoride being put in the water.

After listening to both EPs back to back, the ability to see what has been done to America is so evidently clear. It's normal to feel ashamed that you were blinded for so long, but by the end of the 20 minutes it takes to finish listening to these EPs, you'll be ready to take the gloves off and restore the republic.

You can listen to both Cured To Hell and Crush The Parasites below.


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