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Punk Band Mispressed Into Beyoncé's Lemonade

Beyoncé fans may have gotten a little more (or less)  bang for their buck their vinyl copy of Lemonade. When listeners drop the needle on side A, they found that Canadian punk band Zex came screaming out of their speakers instead of Queen Bey.

The error occurred at the Celebrate Records pressing plant in Germany. Side A of Zex's Uphill Battle was swapped out for side A of Beyoncé's Lemonade. Zex posted a video to their FaceBook page where they "announced" to their fans the impromptu Zex, Beyoncé split.

Zex guitarist Jo Galipeau told Slate, "Some people have been writing to the band offering to sell their copy to us, at exorbitant prices." However, not everyone was upset by the mispressing. Galipeau said people have told him they enjoy the music even though they did not expect it.


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