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Juniper Douglas - "B. George" | Music Video

Twin Cities weirdos Juniper Douglas are back with a new(ish) song and video. For their latest single, they reworked "B. George Kieth Beekneeth," from 2018 debut Error to Introspection, into "B. George." It is condensed from roughly eight minutes into a four minute snapshot. The elements that made the original such an experimental delight—a propulsive drumbeat, pitch perfect yet scattershot notes of trumpet, synth lines that reverberate through your entire body—are kept entirely intact.

The accompanying video, directed by Robindeep Singh, keeps up the loose story approach found in last month's "Gah, My Eyes!" video (also by Singh). Four of the five Toms struggle to survive without water, engage in violent conflict with cans of La Croix (garbage drink!), and find peace in a lake.


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