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Colin Bracewell - "Fruit of Another You" | New Music

It's ambitious to wait ten months between singles. There's a risk that you sink back beneath the waves of public consciousness after a month or so of attention. Colin Bracewell has deftly avoided this by playing shows around the area (primarily in his native Stillwater) and, more importantly, by putting out great songs.

Bracewell's latest single "Fruit of Another You" pays homage to the ideals of classic songwriting. He strips back and lets the music speak for itself. All he needs is four chords and his voice to captivate. Across the four-minute-and-twenty-second (nice) run-time, the melody plays tag with an alternating current of guitar. One moment, it thrums with electricity and gains momentum; the next, Bracewell's voice ascends to an unreachable place with an apologetic cry.

While January's "Little Secret" was simultaneously folky and soulful, "Fruit of Another You" is alive with the glory of direct emotion. There's no need for embellishment of any kind (beyond some subtly gorgeous harmonies). Silence is allowed as much profundity as the lyrics.

Stream "Fruit of Another You" below.


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