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Smoke Roads - "Silence" | New Music

Cover art by @ToxixWonderland

"Silence," the debut single from Minneapolis' Smoke Roads, starts with what sounds like a car blinker. A rhythmic ticking arpeggiates, giving no indication of what comes next. Unexpectedly, the ticking becomes the beat of the song for its first minute. It's a fittingly skeletal start to an elegantly simple song.

The difficulties of communicating one's own thoughts and feelings are expressed through the direct yet colorful lyrics. Instead of being constrained by song structure, the words of the chorus ("I'm trapped by the silence / Just want the words but I can't find them") grow more pointed with each repetition. The instrumental swells over the course of the song, starting with primarily vocals and ending with a crescendo of guitar. Harmonies drenched in reverb carry the song right into a sweet spot.

"Silence" is overall a fantastic pop song and a great introduction for Smoke Roads. Stream the song below.


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