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bex - "forgiver" | New Music

Longtime followers of Ear Coffee would be familiar with Bex Morton's work alongside her sisters in the band LASKA; however, following a move to Los Angeles, Morton is branching out and released her first single, "forgiver," as a solo artist earlier this month. 

"forgiver" is sparsely orchestrated with an acoustic guitar accompanying Morton's voice as she lays out the scene of feeling heavy with the weight of being hurt. The track blooms as it moves into the first line of the chorus, "Don't burn the bridge." The narrative swaps to letting go and moving on instead of reveling in the pain. Morton says this is in line with her nature to not cut people out of her life, despite them maybe deserving it from time to time. 

As someone who has been a major fan of LASKA for a while now, this first release from Morton feels like a perfect gateway into something new for the singer-songwriter. "forgiver's" bedroom folk is a fantastic springboard for future releases here in 2021. 

"forgiver" is out now. You can give it a listen down below. 


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