It's been a while. This column hasn't existed since March, which is fine. No one missed it. Parquet Courts - Wide Awake! (2018) It's almost more coveted in indie rock to become a consistent band than a successful one. Of course, blowing up overnight and getting massive acclaim over one record is probably fantastic, but then every subsequent album is a disappointment. Consistency, on the other hand, means that each album is good-to-great, and everyone's left satisfied and smiling. Parquet Courts is the representative from New York by way of Texas in the "good indie" Olympics. Wide Awake! keeps the trend going with another collection of witty, political, punk-funk. The political angle specifically is emphasized, because of course it is. That being said, the band offers a lot of clever insights about why 2018 (and most other years) sucks in this country. Grizzly Bear - Yellow House (2006) The Indieheads subreddit had a folk-off this ...